I got into a discussion with my mother in law the other day about nutrition. First of all I am a firm believer that if you take care of your body it will take care of you. I believe in exercise, good food, and good rest. Every good country boy knows this especially when daily life calls for your best. The question is what's good nutrition? My mother in law has been on this kick of drinking green shakes. She blends kale with fruits and other ingredients... she's kind of a hippie in a way. We got into the organic discussion and she said that she didn't want to take anything into her body that wasn't natural. The pesticides and fertilizers naturally came up a and I made an argument that there is no scientific evidence that the supplements do anything harmful to the plants and crops... she was adamant that I was wrong. I told her it comes down to surviving. She would do the same thing to get a higher yield for her crop if she were the one growing it.
Regardless of that I took a look at my life and what I eat. I think the biggest point that we all need to consider is moderation. You can eat basically whatever you want, just know that the little morsel of chocolate has as many calories as two apples. It comes down to what you are willing to trade. I know that when I'm working hard I need food that has more calories. I really do need the energy. Most country boys burn a lot of calories. This is not an excuse to overeat, but being country boys, we do enjoy some good food. A nice biscuit, some tasty bbq, there is a place for it all. That's the beauty of being a country boy, we have a pallet for good food, we know how to eat it and we also know how to burn it off.
So here's to country boy nutrition. It's important to treat our bodies well, but sometimes it's nice to just let go and get some good viddles!
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