It sounds complicated but it's not. I was on my way back from visiting my folks in Roosevelt, Utah (pop. 5k). As I was driving towards Salt Lake City I had to laugh, I started seeing more and more Subies... pronounced "Sooobies" or Subaru's. Yes, the good 'ol yuppie granola car that has seen a rising population in mountainous regions of the country. Don't get me wrong, good cars, great all wheel drive but honestly... ugh. It's a status symbol in Utah. You want to tell people that you are outdoorsy, liberal, and are okay with a station wagon.
The thing that made this so funny was that I was coming from the country. Jacked up 4wd trucks, mud flaps, turbo diesels and great people. I really did feel some remorse... some sadness coming back to the city. Where did we lose touch with reality? When did a tin box that spins all four tires in snow but can't climb a hill to a fishing hole become the talk of the town? They claim to be practical but how can you haul a load, throw in fencing (hole digging equipment not the sissy swords) tools, or a few bales of hay? You can't!
Practical is a truck. My neighbor is a great guy, but he is the epitome of Yuppie... wears a visor, tans... you get the point, says to me, "why would anyone own a truck, I have a trailer and can do everything a truck can do and tow it behind my Toyota Sequoia and haul a lot more people". He had me thinking for a minute... is he right? No, unless you have a flat bed trailer non single axle how on earth are you going to put in it what you put in a truck? Plus try dragging that thing over ruts, around trees, tight corners and see how you like it then. Then it dawned on me... the guy is from the city, a lawyer, and wears a visor. He has no idea of what's practical, he sees the world with a different set of lenses... very different. OH well.
You can't beat a truck, utility, durability and power. Of course you probably wouldn't understand unless you're a country boy.